Teachers create and edit reports custom-tailored for each student in their class, and send the reports to parents at the end of their day or week.
Paraprofessionals can add information to the teacher's reports as they work with students throughout the day.
When a report for their student is ready, parents receive a notification. A secure log in means that parents only see the information for their child or children.
Students with special needs are not always able to answer this question. We recognize the trust it takes to send a child with special needs to school. The loss of control can be scary. Know My Day allows for greater communication regarding the specialized curriculum and therapies students experience being part of a self-contained special education class. We believe that parents, teachers, paraprofessionals and therapists are all part of the same team with the same goal. We all want to help every student succeed to the best of his or her ability. Know My Day strengthens this team by improving the quality of the communication between school and home.
If you are interested in Know My Day for your school, please fill out the form below.